Gordon Parks

Gordon Parks

Photographer, musician, film director,writer (1912-2006)

"At first I wasn't sure that I had the talent, but I did know I had a fear of failure and that fear compelled me to fight off anything that might abet it." 

Gordon Parks emerged as a prominent photo journalist in the 1940s and continued through the 1970s to take photos that documented issues of African Americans, civil rights and poverty in the United States. 

Photographed 1967

Parks' was also the first African American to direct major motion pictures and in addition he composed music and wrote poetry. 

Photographed 1942
Photgraphed 1966

Connection to the Classroom
Parks lived in Minneapolis for some time where he self taught about photography! As well as being a local artist to teach students about he is also a perfect example for what photojournalism is. Parks' photos create conversation about the meaning and storytelling through photography and could serve as an intro to a photography unit or integration of the arts into a Civil Rights unit.